Current Issue : January-March Volume : 2025 Issue Number : 1 Articles : 5 Articles
This study aims to create an interactive multimedia based on Adobe Flash CS6 application in learning in elementary school. This type of research is research and development (R&D) with the ADDIE development model, starting from the analysis and design stages. The next stage is the development stage, where data collection is done through interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis was conducted to assess the validity of interactive multimedia in three aspects, namely media, material, and language. Validators provided quantitative and qualitative feedback. Results the validity test showed a validation score of 92% from the material expert, the language validation results obtained a score of 81%, and the media validation obtained a score of 80% with a very valid category. This shows that each specification of interactive multimedia is considered valid and is included in the high category. Thus, it can be concluded that interactive multimedia is very good and feasible to use as learning media for elementary school students, so that it can be used in the learning process....
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current practices, opportunities, and challenges of using multimedia in social work teaching at a government college in Bhola, Bangladesh. Qualitative research methodology was used to get information from the respondents. The data was gathered using three different methods: semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), and classroom observations. The respondents included both faculty and honors-level students from social work backgrounds. Interviews were conducted with two instructors, observations were made in two classes, and ten students took part in two focus group discussions (FGDs). Finally, using a thematic approach, data were analyzed, interpreted, and presented. The study's findings revealed that incorporating multimedia in the classroom makes teaching easier and is beneficial for the students. Students can actively engage in a multimedia classroom, which often inspires them to study. People perceive multimedia-based classes to be more structured than traditional teaching methods. Conversely, the research shows that the social work classes are deficient in the essential resources, infrastructure, and funding required for effective functioning. The study was self-funded, completed within a short timeframe, and conducted during the global outbreak of the Corona pandemic. The study's implication was that it helped the researcher explore the current scenario of using multimedia for teaching social work in the context of government college education in Bangladesh....
This study utilizes multimedia technology to enhance the communication effect of Fuzhou Tea Casting Opera in order to help the relevant staff clarify the direction for the future development of Fuzhou Tea Casting Opera and social and cultural progress. It describes the role of modern multimedia technology in Fuzhou Tea Casting Opera, describes the specific application of virtual reality technology in Fuzhou Tea Casting Opera, and analyzes the performance characteristics of three-dimensional technology, three-dimensional display technology, and sensing and interaction technology applied to Fuzhou Tea Casting Opera. Finally, through empirical analysis, we test the hypothesis of the communication mechanism model of Fuzhou Tea Picking Opera based on multimedia technology and analyze the direct effect relationship between embodied environment and embodied perception, between embodied perception and communication effect, and the intermediary effect of embodied perception between embodied environment and communication effect. Based on a comparative analysis of the viewing experience, it was found that the viewing effect of Fuzhou Tea Picking Opera is improved after the integration of multimedia technology. In order to prevent multimedia technology from having a negative effect on the development of Fuzhou Tea Casting Opera, this paper finally puts forward the relevant suggestions for the integration of Fuzhou Tea Casting Opera and multimedia technology....
Digital technologies have facilitated access to instructional multimedia materials, and a large body of literature has shown that these technologies can support students’ learning. However, recent research also shows that many teachers have misconceptions about learning from multimedia materials. Further, numerous studies point out that numerous factors account for the successful use of technologies in class. Based on data from a large-scale study with upper secondary school teachers (n = 2247), we analyzed what predicted teachers’ creation of digital multimedia, to determine whether it was solely technology related factors derived from the will-skill-tool pedagogy model, or also factors related to teachers’ alignment with well-established design and processing principles of multimedia learning. Overall, a third of the respondents were fully aligned with the multimedia principles, and another third with all but the coherence principle. We investigated how this alignment In addition, teachers’ positive beliefs about technology use in class, their self-reported technological knowledge (skill) and their self-reported knowledge in teaching with digital documents. These results stress that, for now, teachers rely more on their technological beliefs and self-reported knowledge to integrate digital tools in their lesson than on their alignment with multimedia design guidelines. As previous studies show that available digital instructional multimedia do not always follow multimedia learning principles, this could lead teachers to create or use inappropriate digital multimedia materials....
In the current digital era, English education is becoming increasingly important. By integrating English language learning with digital learning media, it is hoped to create a more dynamic and student-centered learning environment. The goal is to facilitate students in achieving the set learning objectives. This research focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of interactive multimedia in improving English vocabulary comprehension in English subjects at the junior high school level. The research method employed is an experiment with a quasi-experimental design, involving pre and posttests in both control and experimental classes. The sample consists of 32 students from class VIII B (experimental group) and 32 students from class VIII C (control group) in SMPN 1 Jatisrono, selected using cluster random sampling from various classes. The experimental group receives treatment through learning activities using interactive multimedia, while the control group does not use interactive multimedia in the learning process. Data collection is conducted through attitude scale questionnaires filled out by junior high school students. The research findings indicate that the use of interactive multimedia significantly influences the improvement of students' English vocabulary comprehension. This is evidenced by the significant increase in students' English vocabulary knowledge after undergoing learning with interactive multimedia. Interactive multimedia is considered effective in influencing students' comprehension and helping them achieve learning objectives. Thus, interactive multimedia can be considered a suitable learning medium for English subjects at the junior high school level. The use of technology in such learning is crucial to keep up with the times and ensure that students have skills relevant to current global needs. This underscores the importance of integrating technology into education to create more effective and engaging learning experiences for students....